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tXpo Brings Social Distancing to the Expo

April 24, 2020


In today's world of virus scare, and the virtual shutdown of our economy, the events industry is likely one of the hardest hit.


As we begin the process of re-opening our economy, and re-scheduling and holding expositions and fairs, it is important that we be attentive to the social distancing need that remains on the forefront of everyone's minds.


Social Distancing accommodation is a difficult thing to achieve at the exposition -- which is by it's design -- crowded (at least hopefully so).    But, some accommodation can be made.


tXpo allows attendees to move about the show floor collecting exhibitor literature and passing their interest to exhibitors without ever touching anything, or even talking to anyone.   So, while they may observe product demos, and learn of new products or services while there -- they need not touch anything but their own phone.


This system does NOT utilize a special app.   And, it does not require a password or login.   It just plain works using nothing but the functions and features that people are already broadly familiar with.


It requires NO onsite infrastructure, and doesn't interface with any other systems (registration of badging).   It is entirely stand alone.


If you are producing a exposition of any kind, reach-out to tXpo and ask for their demo-package.   You'll be impressed with this system very unique and simple solution.


See details and a demo here.   Video Presentation and Live Demo Here.


Social Distancing at the Expo        State and Local Fairs        Farm Show Lead Collection       Consumer Show Lead Collection 



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