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Social Distancing for Fairs & Consumer Shows

April 23, 2020


As we discussed in Expositions in the Social Distancing Age, we are today faced with a criteria that is very antithetical to the very idea of the Consumer Show.    Consumer shows are public gatherings on a grand scale, and close quarters are simple a reality of the situation.


But, there are some things that can be done to create "options" for attendees and exhibitors alike.   


The tXpo system brings an SMS solution to the show-floor that allows attendees to collect literature digitally, and simultaneously provides a contact connection to the exhibitor.   This way, the exhibitor follows-up later with the attendee -- and all social distances are kept.


This is achieved using tools that the attendee is already familiar with, already carries with them, and requires no special effort to engage (no apps, no passwords).


Social Distancing at the Consumer Show -- and for that matter, in all aspects of life -- will likely linger as a practice in the minds of Americans for many months to come.    As show producers, we need to be aware and conscious of this element -- and provide appropriate social distancing options at our shows in order to accommodate.


In the case of tXpo -- the purpose of the service long preceded the social distancing craze.   It brings;


  • live consumer-driven exhibitor inquiries

  • new show revenue

  • a greener expo thru the facilitation of digital documents

  • a very light deployment footprint and cost.


If you are running or hosting a consumer show or Farm Show -- you might consider tXpo as an excellent no/low cost way to bring these features to your show very quickly.


See details and a demo here.   Video Presentation and Live Demo Here.


Have a great show!



Social Distancing at the Expo        State and Local Fairs        Farm Show Lead Collection       Consumer Show Lead Collection 



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