Help us Launch! Get a larger share!!
April 28, 2020
tXpo is a brand new service!! But, with social distancing being such a strong need and consideration right now, it's a service who's time has come.
We intended to bring to the consumer show/fair:
Green the show by turning all that paper into digital transfers
Bring valuable consumer-driven inquiries to your exhibitors
Bring new revenue to the show.
Offer a social distancing accommodation.
This last one was not our original intent. But, it turns out that tXpo offers social distancing as a natural function of how it works.
Producers usual revenue share is 10%.
Be among the first to adopt this service, we'll set your share at 40% -- and fix it there for the duration of your show's relationship with tXpo. So, each year as utilization of this service increases, you will remain in the strong 40% position until an event is missed. Some conditions apply. But, now's a tremendous opportunity to maximize these additional potential revenues for many years to come.
Send us an email!! Let's get you a demo of the system. And, then let's setup your upcoming event(s) to take advantage of all of these features.
You'll be amazed at how simple and elegant this solution is.
We look forward to working with you!!